Mighty Moment
”Mighty Moment" is a podcast dedicated to presenting brief impactful episodes (14.5 minutes) three times a week (Mon./Wed./Fri.). The listener will be guided on an exciting journey through the entirety of the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation. The speaker, Dr. Bobby J. Boles, seeks to unveil the captivating stories of the Bible, bringing transformative lessons for your faith and empower your walk with God. Dr. Bobby lets the Scriptures speak allowing the text to be the foundation and guide for the truths presented. These episodes are meant to encourage, inspire and enlighten one in their spiritual walk. So let "Mighty Moment" provide a spiritual boost to start your day!
“It only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God.”
EDITOR'S NOTE: Three new Mighty Moment episodes will post weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
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Mighty Moment
MM017 "God's Rescue Plan" (Gen. 3:15; Jn 3:16-17) *
Genesis 3:15 & John 3:16-17
Mighty Moment is walking through the entire Bible story. Overall this episode is MM017 and is #17 of 70 in the series entitled "Genesis". This episode of Mighty Moment “God’s Rescue Plan“ is based on Genesis 3:15 & John 3:16-17 and the topic is the “Plan of Salvation”.
NOTE: All scriptures are from the New International Version unless otherwise noted
This episode explores God’s answer to the sin problem. In the aftermath of humanity's fall, God sets in motion a strategy of salvation of cosmic proportions. From the moment sin entered the world, our Creator had already prepared a solution that would span millennia, culminating in the ultimate sacrifice of His own Son, Jesus Christ. The study examines God's incredible love and foresight, tracing His rescue plan from Genesis to the cross, and inviting us to embrace the transformative power of His grace.
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MM017 “God’s Rescue Plan”
By Dr. Bobby J. Boles
Mighty Moment
Original Airdate: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
OPENING SONG (00:00 / 14:29)
Start your day with the Word in hand. A mighty journey through God's grand plan, from Genesis to what's ahead. Let His truth be daily bread. Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, every line. Start the day and make it shine.
ANNOUNCER WELCOME (00:29 / 14:29)
Welcome to “Mighty Moment”, where it only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God. Our speaker, Dr. Bobby J Boles, is guiding us on a transformative exploration of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as he brings to life the incredible and fascinating stories of the Bible. We pray that you are encouraged and spiritually strengthened, so let's turn our hearts and minds to the Word as we prepare for today's journey of discovery. Here's Dr. Bobby with today's “Mighty Moment”.
[Dr. Bobby J. Boles – Speaker / Host]
TITLE (01:04 / 14:29)
“God’s Rescue Plan”
RECAP OF PREVIOUS EPISODE: MM016 “Missing the Mark” (01:04 / 14:29)
In our last episode together, entitled “Missing the Mark”, we learned, as the title insinuates, that sin is defined as missing the mark, falling short in meeting God's standard, and is fundamentally rebellion against God and breaking God's law. Sin has an enslaving power over the world. Part of the Holy Spirit's role is to provide help to us through convicting us of sin and empowering us to resist temptation. All of us are in a universal human dilemma where all have sinned and are under the penalty for sin death. We left off with a need for a solution to this human quandary.
INTRODUCTION (01:48 / 14:29)
In this episode, “God's Rescue Plan”, we explore God's answer to the sin problem. In the aftermath of humanity's fall, God sets in motion a strategy of salvation of cosmic proportions. From the moment sin entered the world, our Creator had already prepared a solution that would span millennia, culminating in the ultimate sacrifice of His own Son, Jesus Christ. In our study today, we explore God's incredible love and foresight, tracing His rescue plan from Genesis to the cross and inviting us to embrace the transformative power of His grace.
GENESIS 3:15 & JOHN 3:16-17 (02:31 / 14:29)
We have two key scriptures for this episode. I'll be reading from the New King James Version Genesis 3.15: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.” John 3.16-17: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.”
THE PROPHECY (03:11 / 14:29)
In the Garden of Eden, amidst the darkness of humanity's first sin, God spoke a prophecy that would echo through the ages, a promise of a Messiah. Genesis 3.15, which we just read, declares God's answer to sin. This verse, which we have previously referenced as the “Proto-Evangelium” or “First Gospel”, hints at the coming of a Savior who would defeat evil. The Hebrew word for offspring in this verse means seed or descendant. This singular form points to a specific individual who would come from the woman's lineage. Throughout the Old Testament, this promise is refined and clarified, pointing unmistakably to Jesus Christ. From that point, the women of God were anticipating and expecting and waiting for the Messiah to be born. We see God's immediate response to sin entering the world. Rather than abandoning his creation, He provides hope through a prophecy of a coming Messiah, a Savior. This promise, given at the very beginning of human history, sets the stage for God's rescue plan that would unfold over thousands of years.
GOD’S RESPONSE (04:30 / 14:29)
Remarkably, of all God's options in responding to sin, He chose the most challenging and costly option… the most difficult one… to become personally involved in rescuing His creation. As theologian A W Dozer once said, “God's love is not a soft, sentimental feeling. It is a holy, passionate commitment to redeem us at any cost.” God's response to the fall demonstrates His unwavering commitment to His creation. Despite the high cost, He chose to engage personally in our redemption. This decision would lead to the incarnation of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross.
The Bible reveals that God's rescue plan wasn't a hasty reaction to human sin, but a pre-existing strategy. 1 Peter 1:20 states: “He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.” This verse underscores God's omniscience and His proactive approach to our salvation. Before the foundation of the world, there was a rescue plan in place. Just in case, God always has a contingency plan. God was willing to die for us even before we were created. What an incredible love this demonstrates. God's rescue plan wasn't an afterthought or a knee-jerk reaction, but a predetermined strategy rooted in God's foreknowledge and love. This realization adds depth to our understanding of God's character and the intentionality behind our own salvation.
THE DILEMMA (06:18 / 14:29)
To understand the human dilemma, we know from Romans 6.23, “the wages of sin is death.” But we are also reminded in Romans 3.23 that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” So without divine intervention, we each are under a sentence of death… eternal death. How would the human quandary be fixed? In a twist that defies human logic, God determined that He Himself would bear the penalty for sin. He Himself would bear the penalty for sin. Isaiah 53.6 prophesies this astounding solution: “We all, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to our own way and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” The sin of the world would be laid on Jesus Christ, the Lamb, who would lay down His life for us. He would stand in the gap. He would pay the price. He would restore our relationship with God and heal the breach. The dilemma presented by sin seemed insurmountable. All of humanity stood guilty before a Holy God facing a death sentence they could not escape. Yet God’s extraordinary solution would be to take the penalty upon Himself paving the way for our redemption.
MOTIVATION OF LOVE (07:44 / 14:29)
Perhaps the most famous verse in the Bible John 3.16, encapsulates the heart of God's rescue plan. Encapsulates the heart of God's rescue plan, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The Greek word ἀγαπάω (agapaō) used here, denotes a selfless, sacrificial love that seeks the highest good of the beloved. God's motivation for this rescue plan was pure, unadulterated love. It wasn't driven by guilt, coercion, obligation or force. As the apostle John writes in 1 John 4.10: “This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
At the core of God's rescue plan is an unfathomable love. God loves you my friend, with all of His heart. He cares about you, your situation, your happiness, your future, your eternity. He is not just words, but he laid down His life for you... For me.
UNDESERVED (09:01 / 14:29)
This gift of grace is one we don't deserve and cannot earn. Ephesians 2:8-9 says “for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.” The Greek word χάρις (charis) used here conveys the idea of unmerited favor, a gift freely given without any expectation of return. The undeserved nature of God's love is further emphasized in Romans 5.8: “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This verse highlights the unconditional nature of God's love, offered to us before we could do anything to earn or deserve it. Salvation is presented as a gift freely given by God's grace, not earned through human effort.
INVITATION (10:02 / 14:29)
The beauty of God's rescue plan is its universal invitation. John 3.16 uses the word “whoever”, emphasizing that salvation is available to all. This inclusive invitation reflects God's heart for all humanity. People from every country, people of every color, people from every culture, regardless of gender, education, money or pedigree. All are invited, regardless of your past or your present, regardless of your sins, big or small, or, in particular, because of the bad things you have done. You are invited.
Jesus Himself extends this invitation in Matthew 11.28: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is a call to remove guilt and replace it with a calm mind, a peace, a transformation, a restoration, a second chance, a new beginning. Today, you have the opportunity to accept this incredible gift and experience the transformative power of God's love. It's not just a call to change your present circumstances, but your eternal destiny. Jesus is calling you. He wants to restore and change your life. I invite you to give your heart to Jesus today.
CONCLUSION (11:29 / 14:29)
In conclusion, God's rescue plan, set in motion before the foundation of the world, reveals the depths of His love and wisdom. From the first promise in Genesis to its fulfillment in Christ, we see a God who is relentlessly pursuing reconciliation with His creation. This plan addresses the fundamental human dilemma of sin and death, offering a solution that we could never achieve on our own. God's motivation behind this plan is pure, unconditional love. God chose the most difficult path becoming personally involved in our redemption. This undeserved grace offers not just forgiveness but a total transformation of our lives From worry to peace, from guilt to freedom, from death to life. God's rescue plan touches every aspect of our existence.
Today, this invitation is extended to each one of us, regardless of our past or present circumstances. God's love reaches out, offering a new life and a changed destiny. As we reflect on the magnitude of this rescue plan, we are called to respond, to accept this incredible gift and step into the fullness of life that God offers. In doing so, we not only secure our eternal future, but also begin to experience the transformative power of God's love in our daily lives.
PREVIEW OF NEXT EPISODE: MM017 “God’s Rescue Plan” (13:05 / 14:28)
Friends, in our next episode, entitled “Sibling Rivalry”, we will look at the story of Adam and Eve's two sons, Cain and Abel. This is a tragic story about worship, acceptable offerings to God, jealousy, sibling rivalry and, ultimately, premeditated murder.
PARTING BLESSING (13:25 / 14:28)
I hope you've enjoyed our time together and I pray you have a mighty moment with God today. Be blessed!
ANNOUNCER CLOSING (13:32 / 14:29)
From all of us here at Mighty Moment. We appreciate you joining us today. We pray that the message has blessed and encouraged you. We are grateful for supportive listeners like you, who make this program possible. Your prayers and contributions help Mighty Moment stay on the air. We can be reached at 877-DR-BOBBY, that's 877-372-6229 or visit us online at www.MightyMoment.com. Thanks again for listening. Until next time May God bless you!
CLOSING SONG (14:02 / 14:29)
Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, in every line. Start the day and make it shine.
All scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible unless otherwise noted.
Mighty Moment MM017 “God’s Rescue Plan” © 2024