Mighty Moment
”Mighty Moment" is a podcast dedicated to presenting brief impactful episodes (14.5 minutes) three times a week (Mon./Wed./Fri.). The listener will be guided on an exciting journey through the entirety of the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation. The speaker, Dr. Bobby J. Boles, seeks to unveil the captivating stories of the Bible, bringing transformative lessons for your faith and empower your walk with God. Dr. Bobby lets the Scriptures speak allowing the text to be the foundation and guide for the truths presented. These episodes are meant to encourage, inspire and enlighten one in their spiritual walk. So let "Mighty Moment" provide a spiritual boost to start your day!
“It only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God.”
EDITOR'S NOTE: Three new Mighty Moment episodes will post weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
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Mighty Moment
MM016 "Missing the Mark" (1 Jn 3:4) *
1st John 3:4
Mighty Moment is walking through the entire Bible story. Overall this episode is MM016 and is #16 of 70 in the series entitled "Genesis". This episode of Mighty Moment “Missing the Mark“ is based on 1 John 3:4 and the topic is “Sin”.
NOTE: All scriptures are from the New International Version unless otherwise noted
What if missing the mark isn't just a trivial mistake, but a cosmic rebellion that has shaped humanity's destiny? Join us on Mighty Moment as Dr. Bobby J. Boles takes us on an enlightening expedition through the origins and implications of sin. We venture from Lucifer's prideful uprising in the cosmic realm to the fateful decision of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Dr. Boles unpacks these monumental events with captivating storytelling and deep scriptural insights, offering a fresh perspective on sin as a universal human transgression that separates us from the divine.
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MM016 “Missing the Mark”
By Dr. Bobby J. Boles
Mighty Moment
Original Airdate: Monday, November 25, 2024
OPENING SONG (00:00 / 14:28)
Start your day with the Word in hand. A mighty journey through God's grand plan, from Genesis to what's ahead. Let His truth be daily bread. Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, every line. Start the day and make it shine.
ANNOUNCER WELCOME (00:30 / 14:28)
Welcome to “Mighty Moment”, where it only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God. Our speaker, Dr. Bobby J Boles, is guiding us on a transformative exploration of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as he brings to life the incredible and fascinating stories of the Bible. We pray that you are encouraged and spiritually strengthened, so let's turn our hearts and minds to the Word as we prepare for today's journey of discovery. Here's Dr. Bobby with today's “Mighty Moment”.
[Dr. Bobby J. Boles – Speaker / Host]
TITLE (01:02 / 14:28)
“Missing the Mark”
RECAP OF PREVIOUS EPISODE: MM015 “The Cosmic Matrix” (01:04 / 14:28)
In our last episode together, entitled the “Cosmic Matrix”, we looked at the initial origin of sin which, surprisingly, we learned began in heaven through the pride and vanity of a fallen angel named Lucifer, who we now know as Satan. He led a rebellion against God and the Bible says there was war in heaven. Satan and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven down to earth. The episode showed how the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a test of loyalty and obedience to God and, through their disobedience, Adam and Eve ushered sin into the world.
INTRODUCTION (01:43 / 14:28)
In this episode, “Missing the Mark”, we seek to define and further understand sin itself. We will seek to uncover the true nature of sin, its power and its devastating impact on humanity. We delve into the lies of Satan, the wages of sin and the universal human condition. We discover the dilemma that humanity finds itself in and why it needs a Savior, and how God can, does and will help. Admittedly, this episode will have some light repetition of previous episodes, but the opportunity to delve deeper into the understanding of sin will be well worth it.
1 JOHN 3:4 (02:24 / 14:28)
Our key scripture for this episode is actually not from Genesis, but from the New Testament: 1 John 3:4, and we'll be reading it in several different versions to gain some different perspective into the verse. The King James Version reads: “Everyone who sins breaks the law. In fact, sin is lawlessness.” In the Message paraphrase we read: “All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God's order.” In the God's Word version: “those who live sinful lives are disobeying God. Sin is disobedience.” And finally, in the New Living Translation: “everyone who sins is breaking God's law. For all sin is contrary to the law of God.”
DEFINITION OF SIN (03:31 / 14:28)
Sin at its core is rebellion against God. It is a willful act of disobedience that separates us from our Creator. For us, this rebellion began in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and they chose to disobey God's clear command. Their actions set in motion a pattern of sin that has affected all of humanity since.
Let's look at the word used for sin in the Bible in both original languages Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament. In Hebrew, the primary word for sin is "chhet" (חָטָא), which literally means to “miss the mark” or “to fall short of the target”. This concept implies that sin is not just about breaking rules, but it fails to meet God's perfect standard. In Greek, the main word for sin is "hamartia" (ἁμαρτία), which also carries the same meaning of “missing the mark” or “falling short”. This reinforces the idea that sin is a failure to achieve God's intended purpose for our lives. Sin is fundamentally a rebellion against God, manifested through disobedience to His commands and failure to meet His perfect standard.
Scripture defines sin as lawlessness, failing to do what is right and acting without faith. The original languages emphasize that sin is missing the mark of God's expectations for our lives. Sin being defined as missing the mark or falling short resonates with me. I have a goal, to do what is right, but I miss the mark and fall short. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
ORIGIN OF SIN (05:17 / 14:28)
Since we have studied the origin of sin in depth in our previous episode of “Mighty Moment”, I will lay a foundation for our study here by simply summarizing the origin of sin by saying this… Sin originated with Satan's rebellion against God in heaven. This cosmic conflict then spilled over into the human realm, where Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Their disobedience introduced sin into the human race, with consequences that have affected all of humanity ever since.
SATAN’S LIES (05:49 / 14:28)
Satan, the father of lies, has many lies regarding the law and sin, each which are rebutted with the truth from the word of God. Here are some of his lies to undermine our understanding: You shall not surely die… You can live forever… The law does not exist… The law can't be kept... God's too nice, so there's no consequence for breaking the law. Satan's lies about sin are designed to minimize its seriousness and consequences. He denies the reality of death as a result of sin, promises false immortality, questions the existence of God's law and discourages attempts to follow God's law. These deceptions continue to influence human thinking about sin, mortality and morality.
POWER OF SIN (06:42 / 14:28)
Sin has a powerful enslaving effect on individuals. Jesus said in John 8.34: “very truly, I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” This bondage to sin prevents people from living in true freedom. Sin shackles and weighs us down. Sin destroys. Sin complicates your life. Proverbs 13.15 observes that “the way of transgressors is hard.” Sin often leads to unnecessary complications and difficulties, hardships in life, making the path of the sinner challenging and fraught with obstacles. Sin wields tremendous power over human lives. It enslaves and tangles and weighs people down spiritually. Sin's destructive nature leads to death and complicates life, making the path of the transgressor, difficult and burdensome. Understanding the power of sin helps us appreciate the need for divine intervention to break its hold.
THE DILEMMA (07:49 / 14:28)
We humans have a terrible dilemma. We are in a quandary that we of ourselves cannot get out of, as we've seen previously. Romans 6.23 clearly states: “the wages of sin are is death.” If you are a sinner, you're under the penalty of death, and not just physical death but eternal death. Compounding this problem is the universal nature of sin, as Romans 3.23 declares: “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” No one is exempt from this condition, ourselves included, leaving all of humanity under sin's condemnation. Given these truths, humanity finds itself on a fast track to destruction. This dire situation seems to leave no hope for escape. We are each in need of a Savior because, left to our own devices, death is in our future.
This human quandary stems from the reality that the wages of sin is death. All have sinned and, consequently, all are headed for destruction. This presents the great dilemma of human existence in this fallen world. How can sinful humans escape the just penalty for their sin and be reconciled to a holy God? This seemingly inescapable situation underscores the desperate need for divine intervention and sets the stage for understanding God's plan of salvation, which we will explore in the very next episode.
HELP FOR SIN (09:27 / 14:28)
While the full plan of salvation will be discussed in our next episode, it's important to note God did not, will not and won't abandon His creation in their time of need. Let's spend a few moments looking at the role of the Holy Spirit now in relation to sin. John 16.8 says “when he comes”, speaking of the Holy Spirit, “he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment.” The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, but he also empowers us to overcome it. The Holy Spirit actually provides power to overcome temptation. 1 Corinthians 10.13 says: “no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind, and God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” What a powerful promise. Yes, god has a full plan of salvation, which we will explore in detail in the next episode. But I want you to be encouraged that God provides help now for sin through the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin, which changes us away from harm, and empowerment to fight temptation, avoiding the harm altogether. These elements offer hope and practical assistance in the struggle against sin.
WHAT WE LEARN (10:58 / 14:28)
We learn several important truths about God as we see how he addresses sin. We see His holiness. The reality of sin highlights God's perfect holiness and His inability to tolerate sin. We see God's justice. The consequences of sin reveal God's just nature as he must punish sin, and God's love. Despite our sin, God's love is evident in His provision of help and in His plan of salvation.
CONCLUSION (11:30 / 14:28)
In conclusion, this episode has explored the profound concept of sin, its nature, origin and consequences, its definition.
We've seen that sin is fundamentally rebellion against God, a missing of His perfect mark for our lives. Its origin traces back to Satan's fall and the subsequent temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We've examined Satan's lies about sin, which attempt to minimize its seriousness and consequences. The devastating results of sin include death, decay and broken relationships. Scripture clearly teaches that all have sinned, placing humanity in a dire predicament. The power of sin to enslave, entangle and destroy underscores our desperate need for divine intervention.
While the full divine plan of salvation will be explored in the next episode of Mighty Moment, we've touched here on the help that God provides us for sin through His Holy Spirit which convicts of sin, comforts us and empowers to fight temptation. We are challenged to be vigilant against sin, cultivate humility and deepen our appreciation for God's grace. Ultimately, it sets the stage for understanding and embracing God's amazing plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
PREVIEW OF NEXT EPISODE: MM017 “God’s Rescue Plan” (12:55 / 14:28)
Friends, in our next episode, entitled God's Rescue Plan, we will look at God's plan to address the devastating effects of sin, redeem His creation and restore His beings to what He intended. How would God bridge the gap between the created and the Creator that sin had caused? Would He void the law? Would He bend the rules? Would He pardon man outright? How would the penalty be paid that sin was demanding?
PARTING BLESSING (13:25 / 14:28)
I hope you've enjoyed our time together and I pray you have a mighty moment with God today. Be blessed!
ANNOUNCER CLOSING (13:31 / 14:28)
From all of us here at Mighty Moment. We appreciate you joining us today. We pray that the message has blessed and encouraged you. We are grateful for supportive listeners like you, who make this program possible. Your prayers and contributions help Mighty Moment stay on the air. We can be reached at 877-DR-BOBBY, that's 877-372-6229 or visit us online at www.MightyMoment.com. Thanks again for listening. Until next time May God bless you!
CLOSING SONG (14:02 / 14:28)
Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, in every line. Start the day and make it shine.
All scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible unless otherwise noted.
Mighty Moment MM016 “Missing the Mark” © 2024