Mighty Moment
”Mighty Moment" is a podcast dedicated to presenting brief impactful episodes (14.5 minutes) three times a week (Mon./Wed./Fri.). The listener will be guided on an exciting journey through the entirety of the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation. The speaker, Dr. Bobby J. Boles, seeks to unveil the captivating stories of the Bible, bringing transformative lessons for your faith and empower your walk with God. Dr. Bobby lets the Scriptures speak allowing the text to be the foundation and guide for the truths presented. These episodes are meant to encourage, inspire and enlighten one in their spiritual walk. So let "Mighty Moment" provide a spiritual boost to start your day!
“It only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God.”
EDITOR'S NOTE: Three new Mighty Moment episodes will post weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
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Mighty Moment
MM001 "In the Beginning (Gen. 1:1)
MM001 “IN THE BEGINNING” --- [ReMastered]
Genesis 1:1
Mighty Moment is walking through the entire Bible story. Overall this episode is MM001 and is #1 of 51 in the series entitled "Genesis". This episode of Mighty Moment "In the Beginning" is based on Genesis 1:1 and the topic is "creation".
Embark on an enlightening journey as Dr. Bobby J. Boles unravels the profound beginnings of creation, promising to illuminate your understanding of humanity's origin, purpose, and divine connection. Have you ever pondered where it all began? This episode of "Mighty Moment "challenges you to explore the foundational truths of Genesis, offering insights that redefine the way you perceive the world, your purpose, and your relationship with the Creator. Through the lens of the Bible, Dr. Boles takes us from Genesis 1:1 to the presence of Christ at the dawn of creation, revealing a love story that transcends time.
All versions of the Bible used are noted in the transcript.
© Mighty Moment Ministries 2024
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MM001 “In the Beginning”
By Dr. Bobby J. Boles
Mighty Moment
Original Airdate: Monday, October 21, 2024
OPENING SONG (00:00 / 14:29)
Start your day with the Word in hand. A mighty journey through God's grand plan, from Genesis to what's ahead. Let His truth be daily bread. Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, every line. Start the day and make it shine.
ANNOUNCER WELCOME (00:30 / 14:29)
Welcome to “Mighty Moment”, where it only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God. Our speaker, Dr. Bobby J Boles, is guiding us on a transformative exploration of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as he brings to life the incredible and fascinating stories of the Bible. We pray that you are encouraged and spiritually strengthened, so let's turn our hearts and minds to the Word as we prepare for today's journey of discovery. Here's Dr. Bobby with today's “Mighty Moment”.
[Dr. Bobby J. Boles – Speaker / Host]
TITLE (01:03 / 14:29)
“In the Beginning”
INTRODUCTION (01:03 / 14:29)
I invite you to join me on an exciting odyssey through the greatest story ever told. It's not a fairy tale, but actual historic events that shape the world… our world. We begin our quest to understand the past, present and future by going to the Holy Scriptures and the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, and we begin with the very first verse.
We go to the beginning of all beginnings… Genesis 1:1 (NIV): “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” With these ten powerful words, we embark on a journey through an incredible recounting of history… the history of humankind and how we fit into that narrative.
The Bible is God's love letter to humanity. The simple beginning to that love letter is a profound statement “In the beginning, God”. It sets the stage for everything that follows, not just in the book of Genesis, but throughout the entire Biblical narrative. This simple verse prepares us for everything that comes next, introducing us to origins and beginnings. Genesis serves as the foundation for understanding our world and our purpose and our relationship with our Creator.
The Scriptures open with a profound declaration that answers one of our most fundamental questions, “When do we come from?” By starting the Bible with the account of creation, God answers one of humanity's most pressing needs to know: “Where do we come from?” “Why are we here?” “What is our purpose?”
The answer… God. God created everything. God created us. God gives us our purpose. God creates a relationship and interacts with us, and worship occurs. This opening statement refutes other alternative explanations for our existence: It contradicts the idea of an eternal or always existing universe. It dismisses the notion that the universe is an accident or the result of random chance. It rejects views of creation involving multiple gods. It counters any suggestion that the universe created itself or emerged from nothing without a cause. In providing this clear answer, God establishes His authority and sovereignty over all creation from the very first verse of the Scripture. It's a bold claim that sets the tone for the entire Bible. There is one God and He is the source of everything that exists.
The very title of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, itself carries deep meaning. Derived from the Greek word "γένεσις" (Genasees), it signifies origin, source or beginning. In the original Hebrew in which the book was written, the book is entitled "בְּרֵאשִׁית" (Bereshit) meaning if you break it up into the two words “Bera”, meaning “in the”, and “Bereshit”, meaning “head of, start of or beginning of”. Literally “in the beginning”, or if you're rewording it “at the head of all things”, “before anything else”, “before anything else was… God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing”. This title encapsulates the book's essence. It's about beginnings, about the dawn of creation and humanity's story. This title perfectly encapsulates the theme of the book: the origin of all things.
In Hebrew there's a special little gift that we find hidden within this verse. The first word of Genesis 1:1 contains a hidden gem between “God” and “created”. There is an untranslatable word composed of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph and Tav. This is equivalent to saying “A to Z” in the English language, or “Alpha and Omega” in the Greek. This is a title used for Jesus in the book of Revelation. So this is a subtle inclusion… it hints at the presence of Christ right at the beginning of creation, reinforcing the New Testament's assertion: “that through Him, Jesus, all things were made” (John 1.3 NIV)
GOD’S LOVE LETTER (05:56 / 14:29)
Genesis 1:1 is not just a statement about origins. It's the opening line of the greatest love story ever told. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, reveals God's plan to redeem humanity and restore our relationship with Him. This first verse sets the stage for the entire narrative of Scripture, introducing us to a God who is: All-powerful, personal, purposeful, eternal and creative. He created everything from nothing, demonstrating His unlimited ability and power. He chose to create and interact with His creation, showing us His desire for relationship. He had a plan from the beginning, indicating His intentionality in creation. He existed before time and space, highlighting His transcendence, and He brought forth beauty and order out of chaos, revealing His artistic nature. And He's a God of order.
As we read on, we see that this God is not distant or uninvolved. He speaks and He forms and He breathes life and He walks in the garden with His creation. From the very beginning, we see a God who is deeply invested in what He has made, especially in humanity, whom He creates in His own image.
A LOOK AT THE BIBLE (07:29 / 14:29)
As we delve into this incredible book, it's important to understand its unique nature and purpose. Here are some interesting statistics and fascinating facts about the Bible. There are 66 books in total 39 books in the Old Testament, 27 books in the New Testament. There's 1,189 chapters, 31,102 verses and in the English translation, there are 783,137 words. The Old Testament was primarily written in Hebrew, with some portions in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek, a common Greek called Koine Greek. Over 40 authors contributed to the writing of the Bible over a period of about 1,500 years, all inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are 12,143 unique English words. The Bible was the first book ever printed. It was printed on the Gutenberg Press in 1455. Despite its diverse authorship, it maintains a consistent message and theme, throughout, pointing to divine inspiration. It's the best-selling book of all time, with billions of copies distributed worldwide in over 1,100 languages. The Bible has been instrumental in the development of Western literature, art, law and ethics. It contains various genres, including history, poetry, prophecy letters and apocalyptic literature.
The Bible itself speaks of its purpose and power. In 2nd Timothy 3:16 & 17 (NIV) we read: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” This verse highlights the Bible's divine origin and its practical application in our lives. It's not just a historical document or a collection of moral teachings. It is the very Word of God designed to transform us. The term “God breathed” suggests that Scripture is a direct product of God's creative power which, like His breath, brought Adam and Eve to life in Genesis 2.
Another scripture Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) says: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” This powerful metaphor illustrates the Bible's ability to cut through our defenses and speak directly to our hearts. It's not a static text, but a living, dynamic force that can change us from the inside out. The comparison to a sword emphasizes its precision and effectiveness in addressing our deepest needs and hidden motivations. And this one I really like in Psalm 119:105 (NIV): “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” This beautiful imagery portrays the Bible as a guide for our daily lives, illuminating our way in a dark and confusing world. It suggests that Scripture provides both immediate guidance “a lamp for our feet” and long-term direction “light on our path”.
POWER OF GENESIS (11:27 / 14:29)
As we read Genesis 1:1 and the rest of Scripture, we're not just gaining information. We're encountering the living God. He invites us to discover our origins, understand our purpose and experience His transforming love. From the very first verse, God is reaching out to us, inviting us into a relationship with Him that began before the foundation of the world. Let's approach the Bible not just as a book to be studied, but as a love letter to be cherished… a guide to be followed and a mirror that reflects our true selves and our great God. As we do, we'll find that the God who spoke the universe into existence is the same God who speaks to our hearts today, calling us to know Him, to love Him and to live for Him.
CONCLUSION (12:24 / 14:29)
In conclusion, Genesis 1.1 is not merely the starting point of the Bible. It's the foundation of our understanding of God, the world and ourselves. It invites us to embark on a journey of discovery, faith and transformation. As we continue to explore God's Word, may we always remember that the same creative power that brought the universe into existence is at work in our lives as well, shaping us into the image of Christ and preparing us for eternity with our Creator.
Friends, in our next episode we will look at what we learn about God through the creation story that He is a powerful God creating something out of nothing, that He's a master designer creating intricate systems that work in perfect harmony... And that God brings order out of chaos.
PARTING BLESSING (13:23 / 14:29)
I hope you've enjoyed our time together and I pray you have a mighty moment with God today. Be blessed!
ANNOUNCER CLOSING (13:31 / 14:29)
From all of us here at Mighty Moment. We appreciate you joining us today. We pray that the message has blessed and encouraged you. We are grateful for supportive listeners like you, who make this program possible. Your prayers and contributions help Mighty Moment stay on the air. We can be reached at 877-DR-BOBBY, that's 877-372-6229 or visit us online at www.MightyMoment.com. Thanks again for listening. Until next time May God bless you!
CLOSING SONG (14:01 / 14:29)
Rise and shine… It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom… it fills your heart. A mighty moment, in every line. Start the day and make it shine.
© Mighty Moment Ministries 2024