Mighty Moment
”Mighty Moment" is a podcast dedicated to presenting brief impactful episodes (14.5 minutes) three times a week (Mon./Wed./Fri.). The listener will be guided on an exciting journey through the entirety of the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation. The speaker, Dr. Bobby J. Boles, seeks to unveil the captivating stories of the Bible, bringing transformative lessons for your faith and empower your walk with God. Dr. Bobby lets the Scriptures speak allowing the text to be the foundation and guide for the truths presented. These episodes are meant to encourage, inspire and enlighten one in their spiritual walk. So let "Mighty Moment" provide a spiritual boost to start your day!
“It only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God.”
EDITOR'S NOTE: Three new Mighty Moment episodes will post weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
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Mighty Moment
MM013 "Specific Judgments" (Gen. 3:14-19, 22-24)
MM013 “Specific Judgments”
Genesis 3:14-19, 22-24
Mighty Moment is walking through the entire Bible story. This is episode #13 and is part of the "Genesis" series. This episode is based on Genesis 3:7-13; 20
This episode (MM013 "Specific Judgments") examines God's judgments on the serpent, Satan, the woman, and the man. No one on earth has observed the negative affects of sin like Adam and Eve. They knew perfection and had to watch the death and decay of creation for almost a thousand years. Also, God bans Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and prevents them from eating the tree of life.
Mighty Moment airs Monday - Saturday at 7am (Pacific) on KKVV in Las Vegas AM1060. You can listen to the radio program locally in Las Vegas of from around the world live through one of the following methods:
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- Call 518-781-2251 (Live on phone)
- https://mightymoment.buzzsprout.com/
- Search for "Mighty Moment" on your favorite podcast platform.
WEBSITE - www.MightyMoment.com
PHONE - 877-DR-BOBBY (877-372-6229)
FACEBOOK - www.Facebook.com/MightyMoment
YOUTUBE - Mighty Moment @MightyMomentMinistry
Start your day with the Word in hand. A mighty journey through God's grand plan, from Genesis to what's ahead. Let His truth be daily bread, rise and shine. It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom, it fills your heart. A mighty moment, every line. Start the day and make it shine.
Speaker 2:Welcome to Mighty Moment, where it only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God. Our speaker, dr Bobby J Bowles, is guiding us on a transformative exploration of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as he brings to life the incredible and fascinating stories of the Bible. We pray that you are encouraged and spiritually strengthened, so let's turn our hearts and minds to the Word as we prepare for today's journey of discovery. Here's Dr Bobby with today's Mighty Moment.
Speaker 3:Specific judgments. In our last episode together Unintended Consequences, we explored the natural result of Adam and Eve's disobedience. We witnessed the immediate unintended consequences of sin. We explored the profound impact of their choice, from the shame of nakedness to separation from God, to the fear that came upon humanity, to the division that came into their own human relationship. In this episode, entitled Specific Judgments, we examine God's judgments, after Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden, upon the serpent, satan, the woman and the man. We'll discuss how no one else on earth has observed the negative effects of sin like Adam and Eve. They knew perfection and had to watch the death and decay of creation for almost a thousand years. Also, we'll look at God banning Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and preventing them from eating the Tree of Life. The key Bible passage for this episode is Genesis, chapter 3, verses 14 to 19 and 22 to 24. All scriptures will be in the New International Version.
Speaker 3:While there certainly are natural and eternal consequences of sin, this episode focuses on God's specific, immediate punishments meted down upon all the parties involved in the sin at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. God's response to sin was swift and specific. Each party involved received a tailored punishment demonstrating God's justice and the seriousness with which he views disobedience. While God demonstrated love and grace to Adam and Eve after the fall, he also demonstrated the grave nature of sin, and he did not turn a blind eye. There were consequences. The severity of God's response underscores the gravity with which he views sin. He didn't merely dismiss it as a mistake or a learning experience. Dismiss it as a mistake or a learning experience. In golf, a mulligan is a do-over, a second chance after a bad shot. God didn't offer Adam and Eve a mulligan. Their actions had irreversible consequences, highlighting the finality of sin's impact. God's character of justice and holiness meant that he couldn't simply overlook their disobedience. His response demonstrates his unchanging nature and the immutability of his word. By issuing specific judgments, god established a precedent of accountability. Actions have consequences, a principle that would echo throughout human history.
Speaker 3:God declares specific punishments upon the snake, the woman and the man. Let's begin with the snake. God's judgment on the serpent was twofold. God's curse to the snake can be found in Genesis 3.14, where it states so the Lord, god, said to the serpent Because you have done this, cursed, are you above all livestock and all wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. This curse affected the physical serpent, changing its form and mode of locomotion. This judgment crawling on its belly transformed the serpent's physical form. Scholars speculate that before this, serpents may have had legs or wings or moved differently, with some even postulating that serpents flew.
Speaker 3:The second part of the snake's curse is actually not about the physical snake at all, but rather a prophecy about the devil himself, satan. In Genesis 3.15, it says I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel. This hints at the ultimate defeat of Satan through the offspring of the woman, jesus Christ, the Messiah who had come to defeat the devil and sin. We will dedicate a future Mighty Moment episode exclusively to the plan of salvation. Genesis 3.15 contains what's often called the Protoevangelium, the first prophecy of the Gospel. The first prophecy of the gospel, the enmity referred to in this verse, speaks of a deep-seated hostility between Satan and humanity. The prophecy of the crushed head points to Satan's ultimate defeat through Christ. This verse outlines the cosmic battle between Satan and Christ and his followers, the church.
Speaker 3:The consequences for Eve were particularly focused on her roles as a mother and wife. Genesis 3.16 outlines God's specific judgment on Eve. I will make your pains in childbearing very severe. With painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be be for your husband and he will rule over you the joy of bringing new. Much debate, I believe it essentially is describing a distortion in the originally intended harmony between man and woman. The harmony and equality in the marriage relationship would be disrupted. The woman's desire for her husband could be interpreted as a desire to control, while the man's rules suggest a tendency toward domination rather than a loving leadership.
Speaker 3:God's punishment of Adam centered around his role as a provider. Genesis 3, 17-19 details Adam's punishment. Cursed is the ground because of you, through painful toil. You will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you and you will eat the plants of the field by the sweat of your brow. You will eat your food until you return to the ground. Work originally designed to be fulfilling and enjoyable would now involve painful toil. The very ground would resist man's efforts to cultivate it.
Speaker 3:Jordan Raynor shares a beautiful analogy about the thorns and the thistles and this curse. The thorny crown which Jesus wore was a symbol of the curse of sin being placed on his head. He bore the thorns that came because of human sin and defeated them, pointing forward to the day when the curse will be fully reversed and the thorns will no longer infest the ground. Genesis 3, 22-24 reveals a profound consequence of Adam and Eve's disobedience they would no longer be able to live in the garden of eden, nor could they eat from the tree of life. In order to protect them from living forever in a fallen state, god had to move quickly to prevent them from eating from the tree of life. Blessing Life would be hard.
Speaker 3:Now the serpents' promise that they would be like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3.5, came true, but not in the way they expected. This knowledge came at a terrible cost. Now they knew evil. Adam and Eve's experience of evil was unique. No other person has witnessed the transition from a perfect world to a fallen one. As they did, that which they loved, death corrupted. They watched as death touched every aspect of creation, the same creation they once enjoyed in perfection Animals attacking and eating each other. The harmony of Eden gave way to a world of predator and prey. Gone were the perfect weather conditions, flowers withered, food spoiled, Insects bit. They even had to sacrifice animals now as offerings. The introduction of animal sacrifice, implied in Genesis 3.21, would have been a stark reminder of the cost of their sin. They had known God's perfect creation, so they certainly mourned its corruption. They lived a long time. Adam lived 930 years according to Genesis 5.5, which meant they witnessed the gradual decay of the world over centuries. And every pain, every hardship, every death. They knew it was because of their poor decision in the garden.
Speaker 3:Jumping ahead in our story, they would even have to endure the unimaginable one son killing the other. Sin always takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay and costs you more than you want to pay. Sin cannot go unpunished. Yet even in judgment, god provides hope. His specific judgments demonstrate his intimate knowledge of his creation and his sovereignty over all aspects of life. Here are four learning points for the Christian we can develop from this passage To recognize the seriousness of sin and its far-reaching consequences. To appreciate the hope found in Christ, who reverses the curse. To approach others at work, our relationships and life's challenges with an understanding of our fallen nature, yet, with hope for redemption, to cultivate a deep gratitude for God's grace, which offers restoration despite our failings. In conclusion, we see how God's judgments were specific and tailored to each party involved in the transgression. These judgments demonstrate the seriousness with which God views sin and the accountability he requires from His creation.
Speaker 3:The curse has affected not just individuals but the entire created order, illustrating the cosmic impact of human disobedience. The consequence of knowing good and evil brought a painful awareness to Adam and Eve. They now possessed a knowledge that set them apart from their previous state of innocence. But this knowledge came at a great cost. For nearly a thousand years they witnessed the corruption of the perfect world they once knew, seeing death touch every aspect of creation, animals turning against each other and the necessity of animal sacrifice as a reminder of their sin. Their long lives allowed them to fully grasp the extent of the changes their disobedience had wrought. Yet even in the midst of these severe judgments, we see glimpses of God's mercy and his ultimate plan for redemption.
Speaker 3:Genesis 3.15 offers the first promise of a Savior who would defeat evil once and for all. This hope, planted in the very moment of humanity's fall, would blossom fully in the coming of Jesus Christ. In Christ we see the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise in Eden. Through him, the curses begin to be reversed, work finds new meaning, relationships can be restored and eternal life is once again within reach. As we navigate the challenges of a fallen world, we can take heart in knowing that our God is both just and merciful, holy and loving. He is the God who turns curses into blessings and who brings hope out of despair. In Him we find not only the explanation for our world's brokenness, but also the promise of its ultimate restoration. Friends, in our next episode entitled the Blame Game, we will look at how Adam and Eve looked for scapegoats for their actions. We will study personal accountability, an ultimate day of judgment and understand how to break the cycle of the blame game. I hope you've enjoyed our time together and I pray you have a mighty moment with God today. Be blessed.
Speaker 2:From all of us here at Mighty Moment. We appreciate you joining us today. We pray that the message has blessed and encouraged you. We are grateful for supportive listeners like you, who make this program possible. Your prayers and contributions help Mighty Moments stay on the air. We can be reached at 877-DR-BOBBY, that's 877-372-6229. Or visit us online at wwwmightymomentcom. Thanks again for listening. Until next time, may God bless you new start, the bible's wisdom.
Speaker 1:It fills your heart a mighty moment in every line. Start the day and make it shine.