Mighty Moment
”Mighty Moment" is a podcast dedicated to presenting brief impactful episodes (14.5 minutes) three times a week (Mon./Wed./Fri.). The listener will be guided on an exciting journey through the entirety of the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation. The speaker, Dr. Bobby J. Boles, seeks to unveil the captivating stories of the Bible, bringing transformative lessons for your faith and empower your walk with God. Dr. Bobby lets the Scriptures speak allowing the text to be the foundation and guide for the truths presented. These episodes are meant to encourage, inspire and enlighten one in their spiritual walk. So let "Mighty Moment" provide a spiritual boost to start your day!
“It only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God.”
EDITOR'S NOTE: Three new Mighty Moment episodes will post weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Mighty Moment airs Monday - Saturday at 7am (Pacific) on KKVV in Las Vegas AM1060. You can listen to the radio program locally in Las Vegas of from around the world live through one of the following methods:
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- https://mightymoment.buzzsprout.com/
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WEBSITE - www.MightyMoment.com
PHONE - 877-DR-BOBBY (877-372-6229)
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YOUTUBE - Mighty Moment @MightyMomentMinistry
Mighty Moment
MM011 "A Loving God Responds (Gen. 3:7-13)
MM011 “A Loving God Responds”
Genesis 3:7-13
Mighty Moment is walking through the entire Bible story. This is episode #11 and is part of the "Genesis" series. This episode is based on Genesis 3:17-13; 20-24.
This episode (MM011 "A Loving God Responds") explores God's loving response to Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden. In the aftermath of humanity's first sin, we witness a God who doesn't abandon His creation but instead responds with love, justice, and mercy. This episode explores how God's reacted to Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden and seeks to understand His deep love and commitment to His children, even in their darkest moments.
Mighty Moment airs Monday - Saturday at 7am (Pacific) on KKVV in Las Vegas AM1060. You can listen to the radio program locally in Las Vegas of from around the world live through one of the following methods:
- KKVV AM1060 (Radio)
- www.KKVV.com (Steaming)
- Through the KKVV App (Apple & Google)
- Call 518-781-2251 (Live on phone)
- https://mightymoment.buzzsprout.com/
- Search for "Mighty Moment" on your favorite podcast platform.
WEBSITE - www.MightyMoment.com
PHONE - 877-DR-BOBBY (877-372-6229)
FACEBOOK - www.Facebook.com/MightyMoment
YOUTUBE - Mighty Moment @MightyMomentMinistry
Start your day with the Word in hand. A mighty journey through God's grand plan, from Genesis to what's ahead. Let His truth be daily bread, rise and shine. It's a brand new start. The Bible's wisdom, it fills your heart. A mighty moment, every line. Start the day and make it shine.
Announcer:Welcome to Mighty Moment, where it only takes a moment to have a mighty encounter with God. Our speaker, dr Bobby J Bowles, is guiding us on a transformative exploration of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as he brings to life the incredible and fascinating stories of the Bible. We pray that you are encouraged and spiritually strengthened, so let's turn our hearts and minds to the Word as we prepare for today's journey of discovery. Here's Dr Bobby with today's Mighty Moment.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:A loving God responds. In our last episode together, entitled the Sneaky Snake, we looked at the encounter Eve had with the snake, the devil, in the Garden of Eden, at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It examined the slippery slope of temptation and what led Adam and Eve to sin and led to the fall of humanity. Also, the episode studied the first lie ever told and learned about the father of lies, satan himself. Lastly, we learned lessons from both Adam and Eve's missteps that led to the final moment of demise. Ultimately, we left the story just after Adam and Eve sinned, and now we need to examine how God would respond. The key scripture for this episode is found in the book of Genesis, chapter 3, verses 7-13 and verses 20-24,. And they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness, so they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden, so they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord God called to the man when are you? He replied. I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked. Who told you that you were naked? The Lord God asked have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat? The man replied it was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it. Then the Lord God asked the woman what have you done? The serpent deceived me. She replied that's why I ate.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:In today's episode we look at the aftermath of humanity's first sin. We witness a God who doesn't abandon His creation, but instead responds with love, care and mercy. In future episodes of Mighty Moment we will delve deeper into the aftermath of the fall of Adam and Eve in various aspects the consequences of sin, the definition of sin, accountability for sin and, finally, sin's solution, god's plan of salvation. But for this episode we will focus and explore one specific aspect of the consequences of the fall, and that is how a father God reacted to Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. We will seek to understand God's deep love and commitment to his precious children, even in their darkest moments, to his precious children even in their darkest moments. Before we look at God's response to Adam and Eve's sin, let's understand the nature of their relationship with each other.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:The story of Adam and Eve's fall begins with a beautiful picture of intimacy between God and his creation. Genesis 3.8 says Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. This simple verse paints a profound image of God's desire for closeness with humanity. In the original language this was written Hebrew. The word for walking used here is halak, which implies a continuous, habitual action. This suggests that God's evening walks in the garden were a regular occurrence, a time of fellowship and communion with Adam and Eve. Not only did God walk with Adam and Eve, but he also engaged with them in conversation. This divine dialogue showcases the personal nature of God's relationship with humanity. He didn't create them and leave them to their own devices. He actively communicated and talked with them.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:In our story today, god asked Adam and Eve four questions. When God asks questions in the Bible, it's not because he lacks information. Rather, his questions serve a deeper purpose. As the omniscient God, he already knows the answers to the questions he poses. So why does he ask God's first question in the story, where are you?
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:Genesis 3.9 wasn't about physical location. It was an invitation for Adam to acknowledge his spiritual state. The Hebrew word ayah used here can also mean? How are you implying God's concern for Adam's condition? God's second question who told you that you were naked? Was designed to lead Adam to confront the reality of his disobedience. It's as if God was saying what has changed in your perception of yourself? The third question God asks have you eaten of the tree? Is a direct question, seeking Adam to confess, which he does not do. Instead, adam offers blame rather than accepting culpability. And the last question when God asks Eve what is this you have done? God is expressing his great sorrow, for he knows the full extent of the ramifications of their actions and the pain that it would bring his children.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:These four questions demonstrate God's desire for honest communication and self-reflection from his creation, even in the face of their sin. What were God's options in responding to Adam and Eve's sin? Well, he could have just started over with a new creation, or he could have given up on the whole project of humanity altogether. Instead, god chooses a path of redemption. Even as he pronounced consequences for their actions, he hints at a future hope In Genesis 3.15,. God says to the serpent and I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers, and he will crush your head and you will strike his heel. This verse, often called the Proto-Evangelium or First Gospel, points to the coming of Christ and God's ultimate plan for salvation. We'll explore the plan of salvation in detail in a future episode of Mighty Moment.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:In this story we see a God who hurts for their sin, as he knows and understands what it means for them. He understood the full implications of their actions and the pain that it would bring. God recognizes that Adam and Eve are afraid and he comes to them to comfort, despite their disobedience. God doesn't wait for Adam and Eve to come to Him. While they are hiding. He initiates contact with them, calling out to them in the garden. This action demonstrates His compassion and desire to comfort them, even in their fear and shame. We see a God who will never abandon or desert us, even in our bleakest time, even in our huge messes that were of our own making. God's presence in the garden after the fall is a powerful testament to His faithfulness. God promises us in Hebrews 13.5,. Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. This promise is evident even in humanity's darkest hour.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:Genesis 3.21 says that the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. While a simple, short statement, I believe it demonstrates some profound insights. It shows that he really cares for them. He meets their immediate needs, even when they've messed up, he's caring for them. It is a touching display of God's love. This act goes beyond mere practicality. It's a gesture of love and provision, even in the face of their disobedience. The clothing God provides addresses the shame Adam and Eve felt in their nakedness. This shame, a new experience for them, is met with God's grace. He doesn't leave them exposed but covers their shame, foreshadowing the ultimate covering of sin that would come through Christ, through a different clothing imagery the robe of righteousness. I think it's important to note that God makes them clothes of animal skin, which means that an animal had to die to provide the material for their clothes. This was the first death recorded in the Bible and Adam and Eve, while I'm sure they were grateful for the clothes, also realized it was because of their sin they needed clothes and it was because of their sin that an animal had to die to provide for them.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:We see another example of a loving response to Adam and Eve from God in Genesis 3.22. And the Lord God said the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever. Even God's decision to bar access to the tree of life demonstrates His love for Adam and Eve. While at first glance it might seem harsh, it actually was for their own good. It was an act of mercy.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:Living forever in a fallen state would have meant eternal separation from God and eternal misery. To ensure Adam and Eve didn't have access to the tree of life any longer, genesis 3.24 tells us that God stations cherubim with flaming swords to guard the way to the tree of life. This dramatic image underscores the seriousness of sin's consequences, while also highlighting God's commitment to His redemptive plan. While access to the tree of life was denied in Eden, it's not lost forever. Revelation tells us that the tree of life will be in heaven. God will again allow access to the tree of life in heaven, where the redeemed will eat of the tree freely. God's ultimate loving plan includes restoring humanity's access to eternal life.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:God's response to the fall reveals a God who is loving. God's care for Adam and Eve is evident in his seeking after them, his desire to be with them to comfort them, to provide clothes for them and even in his protecting them from the tree of life when in a fallen state. In conclusion, the story of God's response to the fall is a powerful testament to God's enduring love and commitment to his creation. Despite Adam and Eve's disobedience, god doesn't abandon them. Instead, he seeks them out, provides for their immediate needs and sets in motion a plan for their ultimate restoration.
Dr. Bobby J. Boles:This narrative lays the foundation for understanding the depth of God's love and the lengths to which he will go to restore relationship with humanity. It points forward to the coming of Christ, through whom God will ultimately defeat sin and death, opening the way for us to return to intimate relationship and fellowship with him. In our own lives, when we face the consequences of our actions or feel distant from God due to our own failures, we can take comfort in knowing that we serve a God who responds to sin not with abandonment, but with a love that seeks, provides, protects and ultimately redeems Friends. In our next episode, entitled Unintended Consequences, we examine the natural result of Adam and Eve's disobedience. We explore the profound impact of their choice from the shame of their nakedness to separation from God, to the fear that came upon humanity, to the division that came into their own human relationship, we see God's grace and His ultimate plan for salvation.
Announcer:I hope you've enjoyed our time together and I pray you have a mighty moment with God today. Be blessed, like you, who make this program possible. Your prayers and contributions help Mighty Moments stay on the air. We can be reached at 877-DR-BOBBY, that's 877-372-6229. Or visit us online at wwwmightymomentcom. Thanks again for listening. Until next time, may God bless you.